AS Prelim task

AS Main Task " ADDICTED" Opening Sequence

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

In my preliminary task I learnt the basics of how to use the camera, direct and how to set up sound and the camera. I use all the basic tools of media to create a short sequence allowing myself to know how to create a sequence from scratch with my own imagination. This let my creative side develop and to get a hands on experience on how it’s done by the professional and amateur film makers. In my main task I used my knowledge of the basic tools of media and developed them. This gave a pathway for my skills and creative side to increase.
I made mistakes in my preliminary task and when it came to the production of my main task I knew not to make the same mistakes that I did before.

Pre Production
In my preliminary task for my pre production we came up with an idea first then we planned how this idea would look by making a storyboard deciding what shots and angles to use. We then wrote a script for our cast to have dialogue.

In my main task for my pre production we looked at other films such as 7 pounds by Gabrielle Muccino, Water by Deepak Mehta, Geisha by Rob Marshall and Love Actually by Dr Richard Curtis. We did this to see their creativity in their narrative and storyline, also how they represented their character in their opening sequence. We then made a treatment, presented a pitch and made a mood board. We then researched the genre we wanted our film to be and researched our genre target audience. After learning about character representation and our genre and its target audience we were able to make a storyboard that would have the codes and conventions of our genre and that would entice our watching audience.

The difference between my prelim and main task is that i developed knowledge on how to build a film in a constructive way that would allow us to have a target audience. In my prelim task w did not have a clear genre however in our main task having a genre in which to follow certain rules made it easier to create our own thriller film because we had ideas of what the final product should look like due to our previous knowledge of thriller movies that we’ve watched. Also looking at the creativity of other films such as 7 pounds and their character representation help us to come up with creative ideas of our own.


In the process of producing our prelim task there were a lot of problems that occurred. For example we did not book the setting that we needed to so we had to change setting which affected our storyboard and plans of the shots we decided to use. Also our continuity sheet was not filled in properly and we did not use our cues professionally and wisely. However in my main task all the mistakes that I made in my prelim I made sure that I didn’t in my main by always looking back at what I done in my prelim and developing it in my main to make it more mature and so that a change and progression could be shown.

The difference between my prelim production and my main task production is that I learnt what to do and how to produce in my prelim and knew how to make it much better in my main task.

Post Production

When editing my prelim task I was unfamiliar with the editing program we were using and weren’t keen on using it. I learnt how to digitize and use the program the more and more I edited the more and more i learnt about it.

Also because our continuity sheet was not filled out properly not stating the good shots and the bad shots it made it harder for my group to digitize our shot as we had to watch the whole tape and pick the best takes for each shot. In my main task I felt confident using adobe premium pro as I familiarized myself with the program which made it easier for me to use. I learnt how to add effects wisely to shots and not because they look good.

The difference in my post production from my prelim task to my main task is that I didn’t know how to use adobe premium pro however i learnt how to use it and expanded my skills on how to use it by experimenting in my main task different effects like the speed of shots, adding titles and credits and editing sound.

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