AS Prelim task

AS Main Task " ADDICTED" Opening Sequence

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Who would be the audience for your media product?

For our film the gender of our primary target audience would be males. The reason for this is that males like the idea of watching a pretty girl being followed and they are more attracted to thriller movies because of their mysteries. Also males would be our primary target audience because of their psychographics.

For example the male sex representation is that they have ego’s and are full of pride. They are believed to have more intellectual intelligence and be better than women at most things. Men usually have the role of the head in a family and are usually the ones who go out in search of money. Therefore men like being independent and being able to decode and fix things. The hobbies of our target audience would be playing games that test their knowledge such as scrabble, chess, who wants to be a millionaire and grand theft auto’s game san andreas.

This is because all of these games have thriller aspects to them such as guessing, re-arranging the pieces to create a word and following a storyline to find an answer like in a movie. We adjusted our opening sequence for our target audience by using techniques from other thriller movies that they would have already seen such as the sixth sense which has a shot in their opening sequence where we hear a sound bridge of a gun shot and dialogue from on screen to off screen, back to on screen again.

We have used this in the first shot of our sequence where we have a sound bridge of heavy breathing off screen to heavy breathing on screen. Also the shot of our characters running footsteps off screen and a sound bridge to on screen running footsteps. Our primary target audience would have an age certificate of 15 and would be aged 15-25. Due to my research 75% of thriller fans are young adults aged 15-25 because of their demographic status. The T.V programmes they would have recently watched would be misfits, being Erica and heroes because they are thriller fans they would watch programmes that give them thrills.

Our secondary target audience would be aimed at the girlfriends of the males. They are most likely to watch thrillers on a date, Valentines Day or holidays. We adjusted our sequence for our secondary audience by combining mystery with thriller. Not letting them see our main character leaving them wanting to watch to see what he looks like and why he is in the state that he is. In addition our secondary target audience could also be fans of the actors/actresses in the film. This is because they will be drawn into watching their favourite actor or actress in a movie.

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