AS Prelim task

AS Main Task " ADDICTED" Opening Sequence

Wednesday 17 March 2010

How did you attract/address your audience?

We attracted our audience with all of our shots, sound, credits and titles. For example in the first shot the non diegetic heart beat and the diegetic breathing sounds mix to give a powerful effect on our first shot drawing the audience in and using a sound bridge to show the second shot of George sitting on a chair and holding a phone to make the narrative more believable.

the shot where the sound of our character’s running footsteps off screen and on screen makes the audience think why is he running and allows the them to then start feeling like they are running with him because it’s a point of view shot. In the long take where our character George is beginning to feel dizzy and getting slower as he runs enabled us to use a blur effect to make it seem like our character’s vision is going blurry. We chose to use a blur effect so that the audience get drawn into the fact that our character is going dizzy. We also used a blur and fade in and fade out effect on the title and credits in order to keep the tempo and the smoothness from shot to shot.

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