AS Prelim task

AS Main Task " ADDICTED" Opening Sequence

Wednesday 4 November 2009

pitch idea

my idea is that the boy once asked girl out but girl humiliated him infront of everybody we could like use some yr 9 students for dat and then we show the grown up him but his in a dark room and looks which portays him as evil he then flicks his hood which shows the transition from the young guy he use to be to the man he's become. and his built this hate inside of him for so he decides to start stalkin her cuz he see's her in a cafe where he lives in the mornin times he's the nomal working quite man that doesn't talk to nobody but in the night HE'S A STALKER and in his head the idea is that he belelievs that they could of had a realtionship and that its not over til he says it's over he starts to threaten her and her boyfriend and send her scary notes. til one day she meets face to face with him but she dont know thats her stalker she think shes meeting him for the first time in years. she invits him to dinner wth her boyfriend at their house but then he slipps up and says something that they remember being in one of the threatening notes which then makes them realize its him they are shocked but they try not to give themselves away. he goes to use the toilet. they quickly send an text to the police but wen he comes out he sees her phone while shes putting away the plates but her boyfriend is still in the room with the stalker. the stalker sees the 999 numer ringing on her phone the stalker, the boyfriend and the girl both look at each other quickly and intensely they both try to rush but the stlker catches the boyfriend and tells her to choose him or her boyfriend will die just as he wants to hurt her boyfriend the sirens ring and the police runs through the door and attacks the stalker because the boyfriend also made a call to the police with the audience did not see and the police were on the line all that time and heard everything. THE END


  1. Marika It is good that you have an inital idea on your blog. But before this you need to upload your research. You need to have your analysed lyrics uploaded as well. Please see me about this in our next lesson.

  2. Yeh this is good, I dont really understand the ending but u can explain that 2 me on friday. I got some lyric analysis and character suggestions on my page.
