AS Prelim task

AS Main Task " ADDICTED" Opening Sequence

Monday 14 December 2009


Question 1

In what ways does your media product USE, DEVELOP or CHALLENGE forms and conventions of real media products?

The opening sequence for our film “addicted” follows the form of most opening sequences for our genre (Thriller) by incorporating the types of background music, credits and titles that would usually be used in thrillers, to add a sense of slow dark and mysterious theme to our opening. However we challenged the conventions of thrillers by creating our own style and interpretation using point of view shots in our opening sequence which entices and puts the audience in our characters shoes. We used this as an advantage to apply the codes and conventions of thrillers. Adding mystery to our opening sequence by not showing our characters face to the audience which keeps the audience watching. Also our beginning shots adhere to what most thrillers use to grab the attention of its audience. By using off screen sound and non diegetic sound to the beginning of our opening sequence.

Also we add clues as to what our narrative is about to keep the audience guessing the storyline and showing our genre by the mystery of the narrative and main character. For example this same method is used in James Foley’s “perfect stranger” starting by giving clues about the narrative in their first shot by using the big eye and fading it to their main character halle berry’s eye to suggest the fact that the eye and their main character are linked to their narrative. Also their beginning credits are slow paced with a mysterious and dark background music which also portrays their genre clearly to their audience. In this same way we have clearly shown our genre with the use and development of its codes and conventions and have incorporated it into our opening sequence.